The Bristol Chess Grand Prix.

This competition entered its second year with the Grendel Summer Swiss, which began in May and lasts until September. The rules are mainly unchanged; Grand Prix points are accumulated until the end of April 1997, and different events have different multiples. There will again be three main prizes; Open, Challengers and Junior, and if enough events subscribe, a new rapidplay category. The prizes should be around £100 for the Open winner and £50 for the other categories.

Results from last year suggest that the Grand Prix is good for your chess; many of the top places were occupied by improving players who played in most of the events. Thirteen events participated in last year's Grand Prix, and the top players in each section were:

OpenChallengers Junior
1Dave Osborne Dave OsborneDavid Buckley
2Derek PughDavid Buckley Simon Buckley
3Simon AnsellDerek Pugh Melanie Buckley
4Roy PhillipsPaul Butterworth Sam Buckley
5David BuckleyMelanie Buckley Peter Chaplin
6Simon BuckleyRichard Allen
7Melanie BuckleySimon Buckley
8Tyson MordueMark Furnevall
9Devon ThomasS Ansell
10E M WhiteD MacArthur

A player can win only one section; the section winners are shown in italics. The Challengers section has proved popular with improving players, with over 150 competing, and players of all standards featuring in the top 10.

The expected list of events for this year is contained in the calendar. Grand Prix events are shown in italics.

Your event can apply for inclusion at any time of the year, but the Grand Prix Secretary must have details at least one week before your entry forms are printed. Any queries to the Secretary, Dave Osborne, tel. (0117) 923 1160.

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