The Bristol & District Chess League

General Secretary's Report to the 1997 League AGM


The LMC met on two occasions, and the full committee (LMC plus officers) also met on two occasions, since the last AGM.

Project 2007

Two meetings were held of the steering committee and one meeting each of the Events and League Structure sub-committees.

We intend to hold a FIDE-rated tournament in Bristol (in the summer) to help more local players obtain FIDE ratings.

Proposals were made for a Sunday League, but the pilot failed to attract sufficient entries and we now need to work out how to get such a league started.

Discussions have been started about improving the League's management structure.

Bristol Grand Prix

The LMC has been concerned that results and leader boards were not being made available at Grand Prix events. These concerns were conveyed to the Grand Prix committee at their AGM and assurances were received that the situation would improve next season.


I was unable to attend the BCF and WECU meetings in April. The BCF has raised the Game Fee to 25p from 23p and has increased the rapidplay Game Fee to 12½p. Proposals to change the top section of the National Club Championship were thrown out. Changes to the structure of the Management Board were not discussed through lack of time; a special Council meeting may be held in July.

Life Vice-Presidents

Life VP, Alan Williams, has recently had a major heart operation and is now convalescing. He is doing well and should be back at work at the English Bridge Union in a month or two. A 'Best Wishes' card is available at the AGM for all those who wish to sign it.

In September, we received the news that one of our Life Vice-Presidents, Hector Stephens, had died at the age of 92. A number of chess books were received from Mr Stephens' executors and these are being sold via the League's book stall.

League Handbook

I am keen to increase the amount of advertising in the League Handbook. If anyone knows anyone who may want to advertise (rates are low, circulation of 500, and the book is referred to throughout the year) then contact me in the next two or three weeks.

League on the Internet

I placed a number of pages of League information on the Internet in August, using space donated by my company, R-cube Systems. Results and league tables were added, together with 4NCL news, congress reports and games. There are now over fifty pages of league information and an average of 25 to 30 visits a week were made to the site over the season. I believe we were the first chess league in the UK to have a Web site.

This is a small, but encouraging, start. The Internet offers a way of getting information to our members and publicising ourselves to others. In a few years' time, I am sure that most of our members will get league news via the Internet. For those with access, the address is


Congratulations to Fred Appleton and our team on a splendid result this season!

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