Keynsham Rapidplay

The Keynsham Rapidplay on 16th March had a lower number of entrants than usual. The top section had just ten players. Keynsham members picked up most of the prizes.

Chris Baker won the top section, but started poorly when he was held to a draw in the first round by George Crockart (Hanham). George was awarded the 'Biggest Upset' for this result.

The Major was won by Nicholas Timms of Millfield School. This was a great result for young Nicholas, who is the current joint British under-11 champion.

John Richards v George Crockart, Keynsham Rapidplay Open, 1997

|  kr   r|
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|   N    |
|  NPB P |
|R   QRK |

White to play and win (solution)


1stChris Baker (Keynsham) 5.5/6
2ndTyson Mordue (Keynsham) 4.5
3rd=Melanie Buckley (Keynsham) 3.5
John Richards (Horfield)
JuniorSimon Buckley (Keynsham) 2.5

Major (under 150)

1stNicholas Timms (Millfield School) 5
2ndStephen Meek (Bath) 4.5
3rdJeremy Hendy (Keynsham) 4
JuniorAshley Meek (Bath)

Minor (under 110)

1stLloyd Beckford (Harambee) 5
2ndSam Buckley (Keynsham) 4.5
3rd=Patrick Sartain (Keynsham) 4
Trevor Langdon (Cossham)
JuniorJames MacArthur (Keynsham) 3.5

Team Prize

1stKeynsham A of course!

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